With DIY logo creation services becoming more popular, is there still a place for graphic design when it comes to your business logo?
Successful businesses rely on great branding to make their services stand out, and a business logo is possibly the most important branding tool there is. Logo design has long been considered an expert vocation, entrusted only to graphic design professionals. But the rise of online DIY logo creation services has made it tempting for new businesses to save their dollars and design their own logo. While the short-term financial benefit to this is indisputable, is it wise to leave such an important part of business branding in the hands of the layman?
Why DIY?
DIY logo services offer users the ability to design a company logo for a very low cost, sometimes even for free. Logo design websites feature pre-loaded fonts, templates and drag-and-drop artwork in a simple, functional layout. Someone with little to no design skills could easily navigate these programs to create a piece of artwork – for better or worse.
The issue with DIY logo creation is twofold: firstly, access to design software does not a graphic designer make. Professional graphic designers spend years developing their creativity and learning the design rules that inform quality work. Amateur designers may not have the skills necessary to create a great business logo. The second issue lies in the inherent nature of the service. Choosing fonts, images and colours from a preset selection can result in an unoriginal, redundant logo.
What Can a Graphic Designer Do For You?
A good graphic designer will work with you to define your business through art, taking your preferences into account to produce a collaborative piece that is customised for you and your business.
Working with a graphic designer will save you time, leaving you free to pursue your other business goals. A professional can come up with an original design that encompasses your brand identity and really stands out. Work from a graphic designer will have a bigger impact over amateur designs and will help cut through the clutter.
When it comes to great design, there can be no cutting corners. Designing a logo through a DIY service might save your business money now, but in the long run, poor branding can cost you a whole lot more.